it started with a story

Our founder, Tracey Farris, never set out to start a nonprofit. At the age of eighteen, she married her high-school teacher who introduced her to drugs. The marriage did not last as long as the drug addiction did, as a result, for thirteen years she balanced a career while surviving as a functioning addict.

After countless rehabs during the latter part of the addiction, at the age of twenty-nine, she fled to Lubbock to live with her sister and brother-in-law where the addiction worsened. Three counts of robbery in one week and a time in jail led her to the decision to be re-baptized in the Baptist Church, but never could quite kick the addiction.

A few months later, she found herself in a field listening to her favorite song by Counting Crows with a crack pipe in her hand. Her spirit broke and the hand of God mercifully escorted her back to the light. At that moment, she finally chose life! Her family rallied together one last time and escorted her to the final recovery program needed to move her forward toward her destiny.

She remained in California for four years, where she met another recovering addict. They married and she found out on their wedding day he was doing heroin. When they got back to California, within a month they were divorced. She came back to Dallas to live with her family and rapidly got back on her feet and recovered her career. At this point, she was not yet sold out for Jesus, but she was trying.

At the age of forty, she married another man but this time her heart was crushed to pieces. Within two years they were divorced and her mission to heal her broken heart led her to search out the deep love of the Messiah. After a few years of desperate searching and inner healing, she was whole again by the blood of the Lamb. Mercy by the fullest meaning of the word was finally felt!

Matthew 25:10 - But while they were on their way to buy oil, the bridegroom came. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the bridal chambers and the door was locked.

then there was light

She dedicated endless hours on the streets of South Dallas, under The Lord's Hands & Hearts Ministries as well as Runners Refuge Ministries to bring the message of hope and assistance to women with no hope or family, struggling with addiction homelessness, and prostitution.

She attends Glory of Zion International Ministries and she dedicated her beautiful life to God, her family, and her brothers and sisters in Christ, who never abandoned her during her journey!

Bridal Chambers was birthed by a desire to redeem women, in our oppressed communities, suffering from the damaging effects of drug addiction. Our expansive supply of community resources provides The Bridal Chambers the necessary means to provide services and support to facilitate the transition of broken women from oppressed and adverse circumstances to prosperous and successful lives. The Bridal Chambers is a 21 day, ground level, in-house service that prepares and equips our recovering women for the next phase of restoration. It returns them to a healthy state of mind, body, spirit, and soul through placement into a Christian faith-based recovery facility conducive to their individual needs. A practical, gradual transition to ensure the best possible outcome.


Tracey Farris


Licensed independent Minister recognized by the National Association of Christian Ministers, she holds a Lifeline to Hope counseling certificate awarded through the nationally recognized leadership team of Hope for the Heart and is solemnly and publicly set apart and commissioned to the work of the ministry as a Ministry of Zion by the commissioning council at Glory of Zion International Ministries.


Vian Weller

VIce President

Licensed independent minister recognized by the National Association of Christian Ministers; holds a Lifeline to Hope counseling certificate awarded through the nationally
recognized leadership team of Hope for the Heat; and is solemnly and publicly set apart and commissioned to the work of the ministry as a Ministry of Zion by the commissioning council at Glory of Zion International Ministries.